
To vote on the ratification of the Final Self-Government Agreement, you must prove your identity. There are three options to prove your identity:

Option 1: Provide a card issued by a federal, provincial, territorial, or local Canadian government with your photo, name, and current address. These include the following options:


Driver’s licence

• Passport

• Secure Certificate of Indian Status (secure status card)

Canadian military identification card

Government-issued identification card

Health card, if it shows your name, date of birth, photo, and signature

Provincial, territorial or federal Correctional Services identification, with or without a signature

Canadian citizenship card issued before February 1, 2012

Canadian permanent resident card with signature, issued before February 4, 2012

Option 2: Provide two pieces of ID which have your name. One of the two pieces of ID must have your current address or photo.

These include the following options:


Alberta Forestry Identification Card

Alberta Health Care Card

Alberta Natural Resources (Conservation) Card

Alberta Service Dog Identification Card

Alberta Wildlife Identification Number (WIN) Card

Band membership card

Bank statement

Birth certificate

Blood donor card2

Canadian citizenship card or certificate

Canadian Forces identity card

Canadian passport (accepted only as proof of identity)

CANPASS, FAST, or Nexus Card

CATSA Identification Card

Card issued by an Inuit local authority

CNIB card

Correspondence issued by a school, college or university

Credit card statement

Credit union statement

Debit card

Employee card

Firearms licence

Government cheque or cheque stub

Government statement of benefits

Health card

Hospital card

Identity bracelet issued by a hospital or long-term care institution

Income tax assessment

Indian status card or temporary confirmation of registration

Insurance certificate, policy or statement

Label on a prescription container

Letter from a Public Curator, Guardian, or Trustee

Library card

Licence or card issued for fishing, trapping or hunting

Liquor identity card

Medical clinic card

Membership Card (Service Club, Fitness or Health Club, Political Party, Retail)

Métis card

Mortgage contract or statement

Old age security card

Parolee card

Pension plan statement

Personal cheque

Property tax assessment or evaluation

Public transportation card

Residential lease or sub-lease

Social insurance number card

Student identity card

Targeted revision form to residents of long-term care institutions

Utility bill (e.g.: electricity; water; telecommunications services including  telephone, cable or satellite)

Vehicle ownership or registration certification

Veterans Affairs health care identification card3

Option 3: If you do not have the above IDs, you can still vote if you declare your identity in writing and have someone who knows you and is assigned to your polling station vouch for you. The voucher must be able to prove their identity and address. A person can vouch for only one person (except in long-term care institutions).


To vote on the ratification of the Final Self-Government Agreement, you must prove your identity. There are three options to prove your identity:

Option 1: Provide a card issued by a federal, provincial, territorial, or local Canadian government with your photo, name, and current address. These include the following options:


Driver’s licence

• Passport

• Secure Certificate of Indian Status (secure status card)

Canadian military identification card

Government-issued identification card

Health card, if it shows your name, date of birth, photo, and signature

Provincial, territorial or federal Correctional Services identification, with or without a signature

Canadian citizenship card issued before February 1, 2012

Canadian permanent resident card with signature, issued before February 4, 2012

Option 2: Provide two pieces of ID which have your name. One of the two pieces of ID must have your current address or photo.

These include the following options:


Alberta Forestry Identification Card

Alberta Health Care Card

Alberta Natural Resources (Conservation) Card

Alberta Service Dog Identification Card

Alberta Wildlife Identification Number (WIN) Card

Band membership card

Bank statement

Birth certificate

Blood donor card2

Canadian citizenship card or certificate

Canadian Forces identity card

Canadian passport (accepted only as proof of identity)

CANPASS, FAST, or Nexus Card

CATSA Identification Card

Card issued by an Inuit local authority

CNIB card

Correspondence issued by a school, college or university

Credit card statement

Credit union statement

Debit card

Employee card

Firearms licence

Government cheque or cheque stub

Government statement of benefits

Health card

Hospital card

Identity bracelet issued by a hospital or long-term care institution

Income tax assessment

Indian status card or temporary confirmation of registration

Insurance certificate, policy or statement

Label on a prescription container

Letter from a Public Curator, Guardian, or Trustee

Library card

Licence or card issued for fishing, trapping or hunting

Liquor identity card

Medical clinic card

Membership Card (Service Club, Fitness or Health Club, Political Party, Retail)

Métis card

Mortgage contract or statement

Old age security card

Parolee card

Pension plan statement

Personal cheque

Property tax assessment or evaluation

Public transportation card

Residential lease or sub-lease

Social insurance number card

Student identity card

Targeted revision form to residents of long-term care institutions

Utility bill (e.g.: electricity; water; telecommunications services including  telephone, cable or satellite)

Vehicle ownership or registration certification

Veterans Affairs health care identification card3

Option 3: If you do not have the above IDs, you can still vote if you declare your identity in writing and have someone who knows you and is assigned to your polling station vouch for you. The voucher must be able to prove their identity and address. A person can vouch for only one person (except in long-term care institutions).